July 2024 Newsletter – Fuel their Day with Dairy Back-to-School Toollkit
Back to school means back to busy schedules. We share easy ways to fuel your kid’s day with dairy. Milk, cheese and yogurt provide kids with the nutrients they need to grow up strong and stay fueled throughout the school day. We invite you to share this information with your shoppers!

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Social Media Assets
Get sample custom social media assets for Facebook and Instagram with nutrition messages for shoppers!
Recipe Cards
Check out this delicious smoothie recipe.
This recipe card for a strawberry acai smoothie is perfect for a cooking demonstration.

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Talking Points
Back-to-School is a great time to help educate shoppers about the numerous nutritional benefits associated with consuming dairy products. Dairy foods – like milk, cheese and yogurt – deliver a unique combination of essential nutrients in an affordable, accessible, and nutritious way. Key nutrients in dairy play an important role in child nutrition by supporting growth and development.
A smoothie made with real milk or yogurt is a simple and easy way to pack a lot of nutrition into one glass. And kids love them!
Milk makes an excellent base for any smoothie. Milk has a significant amount of protein as well as a powerful package of 13 essential nutrients including calcium, protein, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin A, and several B vitamins. Add more or less milk depending on how thick you like your smoothie.
Yogurt also makes a great base for a smoothie. Yogurt is another excellent source of protein and 9 essential nutrients. Most yogurts are made with live and active cultures, and some also provide probiotics – or good bacteria – that may help maintain digestive health, boost immunity, fight infection and protect against diseases.
- Greek yogurt is thicker and creamier in texture because it is strained during processing to remove liquid whey, which is also why Greek yogurt is higher in protein and lower in lactose and calcium.
Educational Resources
Do you need more information for your shoppers?
What’s Available in the Dairy Aisle for Select Stores?
Select retailers are working with American Dairy Association North East’s retail team to include Fuel their Day with Dairy Back-to-School Campaign with e-commerce campaigns online.
Instacart ads can be found here:
Additional Recipes
Explore 50+ dairy forward healthy recipes from the Wholesome Eats category on Savor Recipes featuring milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese and more!